Denmark is one of the most digitalised countries in the world – where people trust each other and the state. The combination of digitalisation and trust presents many benefits for Danish society, but it also makes it a prime target for cybercriminals. How can Denmark maintain its high level of trust and its position as a digital leader? Is research the answer? Collaboration between researchers, authorities and companies? And what would this take in terms of labour force, funding and organisation?
Brian Bech Nielsen
Rector at Aarhus University
Lone Juric Sørensen
CTO, City of Aarhus
Bas Spitters
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University and Head of the conference organizing committee
Jacob Rosenkrands
Journalist, Danish Broadcasting Corporation, Moderator of MatchPoints 2024
In this presentation Christiane Kirketerp De Viron will give us a state of the European union when it comes to cybersecurity. She will touch upon both the policy and the threat landscape, fill us in on the cyber solidarity act and talk about the implementation tasks ahead. Cybersecurity is not just important, it is essential – and we need to think, choose and not least invest in it to make ourselves less vulnerable.
Christiane Kirketerp de Viron
Head of Unit, Cybersecurity and Digital Privacy Policy, European Commission
State of the European Union: cyberpolicy, solidarity and tasks ahead
The digital society's evolution profoundly impacts human interactions and societal power dynamics. While cryptography has traditionally safeguarded data, it also introduces complexities in data access, leading to significant digital protection shortcomings and law enforcement concerns. This underscores the critical nexus of cybersecurity research, public policy, and trust. Successfully addressing these challenges demands the adoption of novel technologies such as computing on encrypted data as well as a strong engagement with stakeholders. Strengthening governance in the digital realm through technical, legal, and policy integration is imperative, fostering resilience and trust for all stakeholders.
Bart Preneel
Director, CyberSecurity Research Flanders
Illuminating the Challenges of Going Dark
Ivan Damgård's keynote will focus on Multiparty Computation (MPC). It is a technology that allows several parties to collaborate in executing some agreed computation task, such as computing aggregated statistics based on several databases. MPC promises to revolutionize the way we handle private data in the future. For instance, private citizens can consent to usage of their data for a certain purpose, without having to give it away to anyone.
Ivan Damgård
Professor, Aarhus University
Multiparty Computation: the future of secure data management
with Ivan Damgård and Bart Preneel
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Ran Canetti
Professor and Director, Center for Reliable Information System and Cyber Security, Boston University
Law and Algorithms: In search of a common ground
18.30: Welcome, refreshments and concert
19.00: Art Walk at the Museum
19.30: Two course Art-dinner
21.00: Petit four and coffee in Your Rainbow Panorama
22.00: End of evening
Thomas Flarup
Head of Centre for Cybersecurity, Danish Defence Intelligence Service
Assessing the threat landscape in a time of increasingly advanced cyber attacks: What’s the current picture, and how will it change in the face of AI and new technologies?
Morten Duus will share stories from Vestas' war room during the attack and in the recovery phase the following weeks and months. Morten will also share tech and crisis management findings, his personal leadership reflections, and explain which changes have been implemented internally in terms of organization and governance in response to the incident.
Morten Duus
Senior Vice President and CISO, Vestas
Vestas under attack – the leadership & crisis management perspective
with Morten Duus, June Andronick and a business lunch with Alexandra Instituttet
Requires separate registration
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The seL4 microkernel is the world's most highly assured operating system kernel. It provides strong isolation between untrusted and trusted components running in software systems, preventing any cyber attacks from endangering critical functionality and from propagating further. The open-source seL4 Foundation provides the underlying support for its growing ecosystem of developers, contributors and adopters, and Proofcraft keeps pushing the roadmap of seL4’s verification to make its formal proofs apply to more platforms, more features, and more properties.
June Andronick
CEO of Proofcraft and the seL4 Foundation
seL4: a formally verified kernel as a defense against cyber attacks
Digital resilience is not a static goal but a state of continually adjusting an upgrading. The panel will discuss how we can ensure a high level of IT security for citizens and authorities and how much control we are willing to accept in order to ensure this security and trust in our digital society. Research and collaboration are the obvious answers – but in what form? And who’s going to make it happen?
Joanna Świątkowska
Deputy Secretary General, European Cyber Security Organisation
Line Gerstrand
Head of Development, Security Tech Space
Nikolaj Juncher Wædegaard
Vice President, Digital Policy & Technology, Chamber of Commerce
Kaj Grønbæk
Head of Department, Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University
Moderator: Jacob Rosenkrands
Journalist, Danish Broadcasting Corporation
17.30: Debate moderated by Clement Kjersgaard
19.00: Network and refreshments
20.00: End of event
Denne lørdag tager vi derfor temperaturen på din, min og landets digitale sikkerhed, når Aarhus Universitet i samarbejde med Folkeuniversitetet inviterer til temadag på DOKK1 lørdag den 20. april 2024 som en del af årets MatchPoints-konference.
Sammen med nogle af landets førende forskere og eksperter stiller vi skarpt på, hvilke spor vi efterlader gennem vores færden i cyberspace, hvordan vi håndterer trusler mod den kritiske infrastruktur, og hvordan fremtidens digitale valuta ser ud. Ligeledes kan du komme til at prøve at tænke og agere som en hacker eller spille minigolf med robotter, der bliver hacket.